Creating a Posting (User Guide)
Creating a Posting (Quick Reference Guide)
Approvals and Managing Applicants (User Guide)
Approvals and Managing Applicants (Quick Reference Guide)
体育菠菜大平台 is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity employer. Veterans and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply.
Short Ad Copy Directions
The following is an example of how to create the short ad for a publication. If you need assistance, please call 8522.
The University of Nebraska at Kearney DEPARTMENT NAME is seeking POSITION TITLE. For more information and to apply visit: 体育菠菜大平台 Employment Opportunities. Direct questions about the position to CONTACT NAME, PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL; Direct questions about the online application process to: 308-865-8522 or Equal Opportunity Employer/Veterans/Disabled
Long Ad Copy Directions
The following is an example of how to create the long ad for a publication. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the posting information contained in the hiring system. By copying and pasting the information from the posting into a Word document you ensure that the ads placed on our website and with a publication are the same. If you need assistance please call 8522.
POSITION TITLE, University of Nebraska at Kearney. The POSITION TITLE oversees the following areas: NOTE AREAS HERE. Essential Functions: NOTE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF THE POSITION HERE. Required Qualifications: NOTE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS HERE. Additional Qualifications: NOTE ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS HERE. Preferred Qualifications: NOTE PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS HERE. Preferred Position Experience (if applicable): NOTE POSITION EXPERIENCE HERE. Start Date: DATE. Competitive salary and benefits. Applications received by DATE will receive full consideration. To apply visit 体育菠菜大平台 Employment Opportunities and follow instructions to complete the online APPLICATION TYPE (staff, faculty, administrative, student, etc.) Application. In addition attach a letter of application, resume and contact information for at least three professional references to the online application. Direct questions about the position to: PHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE HERE. Direct questions about the online application process to: (308) 865-8522 or
The University of Nebraska at Kearney is responsive to University issues which support a diverse work and academic environment. The University of Nebraska at Kearney does not discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment. This policy is applicable to all University administered programs including educational programs, financial aid, admission policies and employment policies. 体育菠菜大平台 is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity employer. Veterans and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. The University affirms a policy of equal educational and employment opportunities, affirmative action in employment and nondiscrimination in providing services to the public. University employees, students and others associated with the University who have not received the benefits of these policies, are encouraged to contact the Chief Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator.
Maintain good notes at each stage of the process to help document hiring recommendations and place them in a search file available in the main office.
Only share records for those who accept an interview. ALL Applications are confidential and should be available only to the search committee and respective approvers during and after the search process - with the exception of those brought to campus for interview. Once applicants accept an interview, their application materials are available per Open Records Law.
The Committee may not contact anyone as a reference without the candidate's written approval (per legal counsel). The committee must contact at least one employer in addition to professional references. Records of these contacts should be maintained in the search file.
At least two candidates should be invited to campus for in-person interviews but other methods for interviewing are also acceptable.
Have the applicant tour Kearney, the campus and meet with Human Resources to discuss benefits and the Dual Career Program, etc. If the applicant is in town over-night, the committee should consider planning a meal or some form of informal gathering (we are also selling 体育菠菜大平台 to the candidate). Itineraries should be kept in the search file for each candidate and should be consistent in most cases.
The approved interview questions are to be asked of all candidates but any additional work related questions are fine as well.
Move the process quickly and keep applicants informed.
Receive approval for the shortlist and the finalist list in advance.
Be consistent! Treat all applicants the same.
Contact Human Resources if you have any questions.
Regarding: |
You May Not: |
Name: |
Address/Housing: |
Age: |
Race/Color National Origin: |
Gender: |
Religion/Creed: |
Sexual Orientation: |
Citizenship: |
Marital/Parental/Family Status |
Military Service |
Education |
Criminal Record |
References |
Organizations |
Photographs |
Work Schedule |
Physical Data |
Disability |